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For my new concept I need to build a new dyno frame to hold the drum and brake.
This will be the most time consuming part.
I'm not a guy who plans it all, I just start and see how it is going
Cutting the metal with my new saw.
50x50 3mm thick under 45 degrees
The frame inside the four clamps.
So I can tap and aim it all in the right position
Making it stronger in the corners with a score
There you have the base frame
The wheels can hold up 350kg each.
So a total off 1400kg should be more then enough
First I wanted to bold the wheel onto the frame.
But decided to weld them to give extra strength in the corners
Time to place the drum
After a bid off correcting, got it on its place
Welded it with some extra scores to make sure the Drum stays where it needs to staying
Time to place the 100Nm particle powder brake
Ones that is on it place connect the shaft to Align it all
Here you see how far I came.
Sadly my welding station died so it all came to a stop
Next will be mounting the Drum brake
Still a lot to do, but I will get there
Small change in planes.
When I bought a cheap power supply to test the eddy current brake better it made me enthusiast again.
My first tests where done with a 12V 1,5A power supply, the eddy current brake did work but compared with the powder clutch it was hardy braking.
But with the new power supply I could give it 80V and it really start braking.
One big plus from this eddy current brake is that it can rotate at 3000rpm so that's better than the powder clutch.
And because of that I decided to go ahead with this unit
Here you have the cheap units.
They work, but I need to get one which gives the Voltage and Amperage
To not over power the eddy current brake
It can handle a 2,5A at 180V
Start measuring
Here with M16 studs, who will give the possibility to adjust the unit in height
And there she is mounted.
Not ready yet, but the alignment is good
Update: 17-11-2018

Next step is to reinforcing the construction so thinks will not bent to much over time.
Reinforcing the drum will need to be done with extra care
Reinforcing the Eddy current brake constitution will be done with scores
Starting with the reinforcement
Update: 25-11-2018

Today I have made a big jump in process, in big lines its starts to look on something.
Still a lots off work to do, but happy with the results now
Here I'm cutting 45 degrees score's from 50X50 tube
Making sure it is getting strong
That starts to look better
Also placing them on the lower side
Outside gives a better look
Frame is looking stronger by every change
Starting with building the next level
Top frame almost ready
Starting to connect top frame on bottom frame
Update: 01-12-2018

Today I started with the adjustment system for my bearing blocks.
It is mend to fine tune them in on the right position and it will give strength to the frame.
Main idea is that I can still remove the drum if bearings need replacement
Starting to make a weld in nut
Made it to 14mm
14mm hole 14mm nut
Ready for welding
Positioning the reinforcement
Start welding
All corners ready
Reinforced the corner at the pulling side
Possibility to fine tune the bearing block Right
Possibility to fine tune the bearing block Left
Next step will be the brake
Update: 22-12-2018

Today I started with the frond section to hold/clamp the tested bike.
It needs to hold the cooling fan to, so it will be a huge construction part for this dyno
Also it needs to hold the control board that houses the following:

1) Eddy current brake control
2) cooling fan
3) exhaust suction fan
4) laptop stand

It starts with cutting

Welding the base frame
Also movable, so the wheels
Here a indication at frond
Here a indication at back
Update: 29-12-2018

Today I Started to construct the adjustable frond end.
The idea is that I can bold it on the frame on different points.
Don't need a lot off adjustment point as the TZR125 and TZR250 share the same dimensions.
Length determine in total 1700mm,in frond the space for the blower
Adjustment plate, with slide so it will move easily
Nice and tight
A lot off space to adjust
Staring with reinforcing the construction
8 extra point to support the load off the bike
Its getting stronger and stronger
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